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So, we'll go no more a roving. / George gordon byron
     | 2014¡¤07¡¤20 22:42 |
So, we'll go no more a roving.
So late into the night,
Though the heart be still as loving,
And the moon be still as bright.

For the sword outwears its sheath,
And the soul wears out the breast,
And the heart must pause to breathe,
And love itself have rest.

Though the night was made for loving,
And the day returns too soon,
Yet we'll go no more a-roving
By the light of the moon.

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176 ÇÞ»ì   + ±×¸®½ºµµ, ¿ì¸®ÀÇ Èñ¸Á! / º¸¸® ½ÅºÎ´Ô (2016. 1. 6)   16¡¤01¡¤24 892
¿µ½Ã »êÃ¥   So, we'll go no more a roving. / George gordon byron   14¡¤07¡¤20 5745
174 ¿µ½Ã »êÃ¥   For whom the bell tolls / John Donne ÀÇ ¼³±³Áý¿¡¼­   14¡¤07¡¤20 864
173 ¿µ½Ã »êÃ¥   The Sick Rose /Willian Bldke (1757-1826)   14¡¤07¡¤20 840
172 ¿µ½Ã »êÃ¥   My Heart leaps up /W. Wordsworth (1770-1850)   14¡¤07¡¤20 852
171 ÇÞ»ì   ¢Ó ÁÖ´Ô ºÎÈ° ´ëÃàÀÏ(Vianey ½ÅºÎ´Ô °­·Ð) 2012.4.8   12¡¤09¡¤10 754
170 µé²É   ¡Ú »ç¶ûÀÇ ãÌ (6) Èñ¸ÁÀ» ¸¸µå´Â »ç¶÷ÀÌ µÇ¶ó / ï÷ûÇ㯠  12¡¤05¡¤23 1717
169 ÇÞ»ì   ¢Ó ÁÖ´Ô ¼ö³­ ¼ºÁö ÁÖÀÏ (Vianey ½ÅºÎ´Ô °­·Ð) 2012.4.1   12¡¤04¡¤03 869
168 ÇÞ»ì   ¢Ó »ç¼øÁ¦ 3 ÁÖÀÏ (Vianey ½ÅºÎ´Ô °­·Ð) 2012.3.4   12¡¤03¡¤09 621
167 ÇÞ»ì   ¢Ó »ç¼ø Á¦ 2 ÁÖÀÏ (Vianey ½ÅºÎ´Ô °­·Ð) 2012.2.26   12¡¤03¡¤09 637
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